an SFD Scheme 48 flyer
Ivan Shmakov
2012-08-27 07:21:48 UTC
[Cross-posting to both the planning-ru@ and scheme-48@ mailing
lists. Please remove scheme-48@ from Cc: when replying in
Russian, or when the question isn't specific to Scheme 48 /or/
the respective SFD flyer. TIA. Any non-subscriber replies to
An intro into Scheme in general (with examples runnable in Scheme48)
may also be useful (provided that it's short enough so that we can
translate it into Russian in time.) We're planning to use a
network-bootable Debian Wheezy Live to run some 20 computers in a
display room, and a version of Scheme48 will surely be among the
available software.
Does this help?
It appears suitable. However, I don't seem to find the license
At the very least, I wonder if someone could write a short note on
Scheme48, like the following one we've written on VLC (translation
Scheme 48
Implementation of the Scheme programming language for Unix/Linux and
Windows, with an emphasis on a readable and module implementation.
Scheme 48 is itself almost entirely written in Scheme. (Even the VM
is written in the Scheme dialect PreScheme.) Scheme 48 comes with a
large set of libraries and an extensive Foreign Function Interface.
Below is the variant I currently consider, translated back to
English. The exact code is MIME'd (please see if the license
header is acceptable; I'm going to change it to CC BY unless
asked not to.) Also to note is that the Git repository is at
[1, 2], and the “working copy” PDF's are at [3, 4].

Scheme 48

Scheme programming language implementation, in whose development an
emphasis was made on code readability and the clarity of the module
system. In development since 1986.

Scheme 48 is almost entirely written in Scheme. Isn't an exception
even the virtual machine it uses, implemented using a Scheme dialect
— PreScheme.

The full numeric hierarchy is supported (including “big” numbers and
common fractions.) The package also includes a large set of
libraries and a fully-featured C language binding.

I'd like to note that (as could be seen from [3, 4]) there's
paper space for a couple more lines of text, which seems to be
enough to hold one another sentence. Any ideas, anyone?


[1] http://styldeks.am-1.org/~ivan/archives/git/gitweb.cgi?p=sfd-flyers-2012.git
[2] http://styldeks.am-1.org/~ivan/archives/git/sfd-flyers-2012.git/
[3] http://styldeks.am-1.org/~ivan/doc-files/sfd-2012/free-software-1346011085.pdf
[4] http://styldeks.am-1.org/~ivan/doc-files/sfd-2012/free-software.2x2-1346011086.pdf
FSF associate member #7257 http://sf-day.org/
Ivan Shmakov
2012-08-30 07:38:10 UTC
As there were no objections, I've pushed the change to the (now
primary) Git repository at Gitorious:


Also a browseable version is available:

FSF associate member #7257 http://sf-day.org/